Wednesday 28 July 2010

New Start...with BuckshotGeorgeX

People write blogs for a host of different reasons, and let's be honest here, it's very arrogant. We assume that our thoughts are so important that we post them to the World. It's ok, I'm the first to admit I can be very arrogant at times.

Personally, I write blogs because it helps. It amuses me. It amuses others.

I will be mostly just linking this to Twitter and Facebook. If you are my "friend" on there, Herro!

If you don't know me that well, here is a short description. It's mainly stolen from my GTP account intro ( Updated and tweaked slightly.

Hello you beautiful person, my name is BuckshotGeorge. You may call me Bucky. You may call me anything you want, as long as I can't hear you. A few interesting snippets about myself.....

My real name is Anthony. You may use that name if you wish, but doesn't Bucky just sound a little more fun? I think so too. A college lecturer once called me "Tony". It was amusing, but I didn't really like it. I got over it though, as the lecturer in question looks like Mrs Doubtfire.

I am currently 29 years old. That number goes up once a year, doesn't yours? I do not like the fact that I'm getting older, but I feel like every day I age, I become a better person. So there's a question: Do I wish to get younger, but be an idiot. Or grow old gracefully and be the World's greatest living person (in my own bedroom)???

I tread a fine line between self-appreciation and self-deprecation, self-loving and self-loathing, supreme confidence and crippling self-doubt.

I am in a new relationship. It's fun. Hopefully, one day it will progress to the following stages: I am in a relationship. I am in a loving relationship. I am engaged. I am married. I am a father. I am ready to shoot myself in the face as I'm now divorced, too old, fat, and weird to try again while my ex is ruining my life by moving on quickly and taking all my money and all I can see is darkness. Ok, maybe I don't want that last part. Think I'm kidding about it, it happens. Just ask my poor step-father.

I love my Xbox 360. I play whatever games I can. My favourites are music based games. Guitar Hero and Rock Band are the titles you will see me playing the most. In multiplayer, it's hard to get past Modern Warfare 2, although I much prefer a strong single player campaign, that is everything it can be, without suffering because some half baked multiplayer was added at the last minute. Look at Bioshock, Oblivion, and Fallout 3, which are perfect examples of single player greatness.

I love music. As you read this, I will be listening to something. A few of my favourite bands are Jimmy Eat World, Taking Back Sunday, Fightstar, McFly, Avenged Sevenfold, among many, many others. I also think Electrchoc from GTA4 is so good, it's like musical milkshake!

I love Milkshakes. I will pay any reasonable price, for a great Milkshake. However, what is reasonable to me, may not be to someone else. There is a new milkshake bar in Newcastle, near the Quayside. They put chocolate bars, milk, and ice cream in a blender. And it's the most amazing taste on earth.

I love other types of food as well. Eating out, and getting takeaways, and being a fatty fatty boom boom.

I love my friends on Xbox Live. I keep my friends list trim, as I like to keep in touch with them. Ever wonder why some people are on your friends list, and you can gain no answer? Then the're not really friends, but passers by. There's nothing wrong with that, but having a full friends list on Live is not a sign of popularity, it's more a sign of ignorance. I could mention many names of people on here and Live who I think are the greatest people in the World. But I would hate to miss anyone out and hurt their feelings. Girls and Boys from my friends list, I salute you.

I am on Facebook and Twitter. (@BuckshotGeorgeX), and here is probably your best chance of a response if you contact me (except for Xbox Live, and possibly a knock off quality soft porn I was in a few years back. It was called "The Man with the World's Smallest Penis")

Well, that was emotional.....anything else you require, I am at your service and only a message away.

BuckshotGeorge's Intro - updated today (if you're viewing this on Wednesday 28 July 2010, if not, add the amount of days and that's how long ago it was)

So that is it for now. Thanks to Y2Kevin for the inspiration.